CircusNext 2013-2017 is a European project that aims at identifying and supporting emerging authors of contemporary circus. You will find on this website the odyssey experienced by artists and partners of this great project coordinated by Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe and carried out by eight co-organizers and about forty partners in Europe and beyond.

CircusNext 2013-2017 includes two editions of our identification and support scheme for emerging circus creators in 2013-2014 and 2015-2016, a European Season of Circus Arts in 2016-2017, as well as a reflection, evaluation and documentation work.
CircusNext 2013-2017 aims at fostering the development of the plurality of contemporary writings in Europe and at developing long-term relationships between artists, professionals and audiences so that artists can develop their creator paths and share their views on the world with as many people as possible.
This site gathers pictures, videos, sounds, texts: discover the richness of the journey undertaken by all actors of this project.

Our 2013 – 2017 supports