Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries, Willem Balduyck
Circus Katoen
“As heavy as it goes”
In As heavy as it goes Circus Katoen explores different aspects of physical labour. With the weight of 18 heavy bags as starting material they are looking to re-define their circus practice. As heavy as it goes is a composition of organizing and disorganizing, carrying and dropping and giving attention on finding playfulness when pushing their physical limits.
Weight has always been a key element in Circus Katoen’s practice, especially working with the equilibrium of their two bodies. With this performance they want to grotesquely elaborate on this element by using the bags as a challenge.
Created and performed by: Willem Balduyck and Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries
Artistic Coach: Geert Belpaeme
Physical support: Kitt Johnson
Artistic support: Sebastian Kahn
Costumes: Lorelinde Hoet
Light design: Kris Van Oudenhove
Staging: Rinus Samyn and Kris Van Oudenhove