Julia Christ
“Me Myself and I”
Every boxing match is a story, a drama without words, unique and very condensed. This does not mean that it has no text or language, that it is brutal, primitive or unable to express anything, but that the text is improvised in action… The words of the commentators on the edge the ring give this show narrative unity, nevertheless, boxing as a performance is much more akin to dance or music than to that narration.
SOULCORNER is a solo but paradoxically speaks of the adversary. Basically, a fight needs an opponent. The absence of an opponent is one of the essential aspects of this show. This absence is significant. This invisible, obscured, insubstantial and immaterial adversary (important/essential), becomes an antagonist and an accomplice. The opponent, who appears and disappears, who is found in several forms, several vectors of existence, appears through different actions, through a drawing, with the appearance of a mask which then builds itself up to become a Totem.
SOULCORNER questions the real motives of the struggle. To whom is it really directed? Spectators will find their own answers, their own solutions. We need a ghost to help us discover reality with this oscillatory dynamic between consistencies and inconsistencies… In an abstract ring, a disturbing and mysterious space, a plural woman evolves, on a quest to find this inner adversary. Glove, chalk, bandage, stool, ropes… Boxing decorum is stripped and reinvested.