What is landscape? How do we view it? How can we enhance it, promote it? At a time when we consider it to be mastered and conquered, we want to offer a different perspective… To view in a different light a submarine base, a mountain or intensely cultivated land. We want to bring poetry back into a world which often seems hostile apart from human relationships.
Starting from the premise that western society thinks of the environment as a territory divided into properties, can we think of landscape other than from an economic or territorial point of view? We want to redefine a dialogue, a way of living together which seems to have disappeared. Our respective training has led us to the same question: how can we exist in landscape?
How does art exist outside places which are dedicated to it? We want to study the relationship between Man and Landscape through two different points of view: – LANDSCAPE(s)#1 is a first frontal form backing onto an open space, creation 2016 – LIEUX DITS is a second circular form, première 2019.
Authors – Marion Even et Quentin Claude
Stage direction – Marion Even
Performers – Gaël Manipoud et Quentin Claude
Music Composition and Performer – Jean-Christophe Feldhandler